School Nurse
Office Hours
7:45 am - 2:30 pm
10/10 Rule
Students can not come to the nurse's office the first or last ten minutes of class.
Students must have a pass from the teacher to visit the nurse's office.
All medication must be brought to the nurse as soon as you enter school with the doctors directions. You can not have generic medication brought from home. If caught with medication the student will recieve a referral.
We are now at the height of cold and flu season. Please make sure that you are following DHEC policies that state sick students must remain at home. Students who have had a fever of 100.0 or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, constant coughing, or any other illness requiring exclusion must stay home for at least 24 hours before returning to school. Medications may mask symptoms, but do not eliminate bacteria or virus that can be spread to your student. A well rested student will heal faster. Please refer to DHEC's School Exclusions list (
SNAP Health Center Parent Portal
Calhoun County Public Schools will be going to paperless Health Room Forms and Over the Counter Medication Administration Permissions starting with the 22-23 school year. You will be emailed an invitation to join the portal. In order to make sure we have your email, please complete the form below. The invitations will be sent in the next couple of weeks (